Monday, May 02, 2005

Some Things I Want To Tell You

1. I really like places with juke boxes. You can hear whatever you want! And it's only a quarter!
2. Our dinner on the deck yesterday was only briefly interrupted by our neighbor behind us running out his back door and vomiting over the side of his deck while we all watched.
3. I have been watching Grey's Anatomy on Sunday nights. It's fairly good but for some reason at 10pm on a Sunday night, during the "Sunday night 'I've got to go to work in the morning' Blues," it seems really really good. And it has Patrick Dempsey. And the final narration at the end of the show always seems so wise at 11:00 at night. Schatze has a piece of paper where she writes down things they say that we like. Sometimes when we go back and read them though, they just seem ordinary when taken out of context. For example, the line we thought was so great last week was "The pain is real." Wow. THAT IS INSIGHTFUL. Last night we wrote down, "Knowing is better than wondering," which was said by Ben Franklin, and therefore merits notetaking I think. But I'll refrain from writing my personal favorite line from a few weeks ago because it is not really ladylike for me to repeat.
4. During a round of Catch Phrase on Saturday, I blurted out, "If you don't talk good...."
5. I just got an email from Schatze with the subject line of: "Gay Tickle Update" in which she updates me on the sleuth work she has done about 2 guys in front of us at stake conference yesterday who were massaging and tickling each others' backs while we obsessively gawked, speculated and Schatze took a trip to the restroom so she could walk past them and check them out on all sides.
6. The annoying construction going on in front of our house is slightly less irritating because of the fact that we have each picked a boyfriend construction worker to watch and talk about. And they know we are doing it and laughing at us. literally. we saw them laughing at us.


Anonymous said...

MY favorite line from a TV show is also a little too crass for me to repeat. But I feel safe doing it in a comment, particularly because I am doing it annonymously. I really want this to be "out there," and you'll know why when you read it. I was watching Orange County Choppers with my annonymous husband, and Paul Sr. said that the latest theme bike they were building was going to be "the cat's ass." I think he meant the cat's meow, because I can think of no person who would find anything at all pleasing about a cat's backside. Then again, you never know.

Melissa said...

"Anonymous", ITL. you should talk to Skewedview about orange county choppers. he loves it. and i want to start saying Cat's A instead of Cat's meow.

Christian F said...

Some of my favorite TV lines come from the final scene in "The Apprentice." I mean, try to beat this one: Those of us that walk away winning win more than just a loss." I mean really.

I even went to the trouble of memorizing it and I use it whenever the right moment presents itself.

Melissa said...

Christian F: I am going to memorize that and use it, too.

Well, Raine:

Re: #5: Schatze just contacted a friend who know one of the ticklers and really it all comes down to speculation....but we are big speculators.

and #6: Schatze's construction worker byf is married and mine is a jerk (and a bad bulldozer driver), but they are still providing us with some nice entertainment while we sit on the porch and watch them dig up our street.

Melissa said...

Update on #6: New information proves that my construction worker byf isn't necessarily a jerk. He just likes Schatze and not me. You win some, you lost some.

Suzie Petunia said...

I just can't get into Grey's Anatomy. I finally made myself turn it off when I realized I was only watching it to see if they showed the big, ugly tumor being removed.

...did they?

Melissa said...

Yes, they showed it, but Annie died anyway.