Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Adios Amigos. Sorry if I Sat Too Close.

Well, the Guats moved out on Saturday, but not before I was almost attacked by one of their chickens. As a matter of fact, I never knew they had any chickens until Saturday. Schatze and I went over to talk to Ophelia and tell her goodbye, when suddenly we were on a tour of their house, followed by a look at the chickens in the back yard. They have a wooden pen up against the house that had 5 chickens in it. I scooted up to look in, and as she opened the lid, one of the chickens flew up and all I saw were giant wings flapping in front of me. I screamed and jumped back and everyone laughed--Ophelia, Schatze and the next door neighbor who, for some reason, was right up against the fence watching. I felt a bit sheepish, but I bet anyone would have done the same with those giant chicken wings flapping so close--especially someone like me who had been attacked (and by attacked I mean flown into) by a bird years ago. Anyway, we exchanged phone numbers and Ophelia told us, "Just call me whenever you want to talk to me. Let's say goodbye before I cry." Ahh me, sad hours seem long.

Speaking of hours that seem long, my roommates' new favorite joke is discussing who has to sit by me at church. "Well, I have to sit by her in Sunday School, so you have to have Relief Society. But who will take Sacrament meeting?" So I volunteered to sit separately, but that didn't happen in the end. You see, my roommates think I'm a close sitter. And maybe I am. Schatze likes to tell everyone how 2 weeks ago I was "cupping" her, meaning I had my arm on the pew behind her and my leg crossed towards her. When she told me to stop cupping her, I scooted away. But after church, I was informed that when moving away from Schatze, I had moved too close to Wayne. I guess I am going to have to continue working on avoiding personal space invasion.

And finally, on an even more unrelated note, have you seen the previews for Hell's Kitchen and Dancing with the Stars ? I can't believe they are even real shows.


Carly said...

Did the chicken have large talons?

Carly said...

BTW, I LIKED all the cupping that went on when I sat by you during church. I don't know what Schatze's problem is.

Eliza said...

I have seen those previews—yes, very odd. I think that Dancing with the Stars in particular could have used some advice in the advertising department. The preview looks like something from 1992.

That said, I’m glad J. Peterman is on the show. However, I would think that someone whom I know only by an old TV show character name doesn’t quite qualify as a star. Then again, I consider J. Peterman to be a star. So maybe by default, the actor who plays him is a star.

Melissa said...

Carly: maybe we can cup at 5 Guys. Sorry that sounds sick.

Lizer: I have been thinking the same thing about the outdated preview of Dancing with the Stars---but maybe that's just the nature of ballroom? And I know what you mean about J. Peterman, I like him but failed to recognize others. I remember when I saw it for the first time I asked who were the celebrities and who were the dancers.

Pickles: Glad to know I have a fellow fraidy cat friend. Be careful if you go down to the harbor in old town on weekend nights b/c there are loose parrots. just a warning.