Thursday, May 05, 2005

Today's color is: Pick-Me-Up Pink

It doesn't take much work to prep for my grandparents' visit--just making sure I have plenty of lipstick in my purse, and that I apply it often. That's the number one thing. I don't know what the deal is with my grandmother and lipstick, but it is a big deal with her. I wish I had a nickel for everytime she has said any of the following to me:

"You need some darker lipstick on."
"Run back there and put on some lipstick before I take your picture."
"I've got some lipstick in my purse if you need some."
"Oh did you have a good time at the [insert activity here]? I hope you had your lipstick on."
"Don't forget to put on your lipstick before you run to the store, you never know who you'll run into. You can't take any chances"
And by who I run into she means that she hopes it will be my future husband. And Heaven forbid, I run into my future husband without lipstick.

I joke about this, but, in truth, I have taken a little of it to heart. And it doesn't help that it was reinforced by the movie Evita. Roxy and I noticed that in the end of the movie, when Evita is dead, the only difference in her appearance is a lack of lipstick. And she really does look dead. Pale lips = bad. Anyway, this probably isn't a problem for everyone...I'm sure it depends on your natural lip color, your skin color, etc...but it is a problem for Madonna and me. What I'm saying is, I have a lot of lipstick on right now and I'm sure I will be continuously reapplying over the next week. And I'm also sure my grandmother will be happy that my hair is just a little bit longer than it was at Christmas.

Other than being lip-prepared for their visit, I hid a few things under my bed and wiped the inside of my car down while I was driving in to work today and now I'm all ready for their arrival. Their motel is reserved. I've got directions on hand to all the nearest country buffets. Let the adventures begin!


Carly said...

Ah, Cletis. I want a full report of your visit with the lipstick nazi and the fan-loving man. I wish I could meet them. I'll bet they are a hoot.

Suzie Petunia said...

I've always had problems with lipstick. Either I don't know which color is right for me, or it wears off and starts to look clumpy (not sexy!). I was recently introduced to Lip Smackers' Dr. Pepper flavor. Yum! - and just enough color to look like I'm wearing something, but without the afore-mentioned problems. Hey, and it's chapstick!

Have fun with the grandparents. Are they making a special trip to just visit with you? I don't think my grandparents would ever do that. Are you so flattered?

Melissa said...

Well, it's one evening down with the grandparents and I haven't been disappointed yet.

Within the first 10 minutes, my grandmother mentioned my lipstick (being on), my hair (being longer) and even my eyebrows (being thinner--this is a new one). But at least it was all positive.

The fan is here; I have seen it. And there has already been a LOT of compulsive van-lock-honking.
Good times!

SP: Yes, they did come to visit me. I am flattered. It is a lot of fun, I have always been very close to my grandparents.

Carrie Ann said...

There's always the tatoo option. But not really. I, like Suzie, have given up lip stick for chapstick or better yet, gloss. My pick would be DuWop Lip Venom Gloss. Makes your lips sting, but they DO puff up a bit. The gloss gives them color. Plus, the lady at the Nordy's counter said Jenifer Aniston wears it so...

kacy faulconer said...

If you have already delt sufficiently with the moral dilemma (as I have), Hard Candy offers a caffeine lipstick which I enjoy. Other than that, I never wear lipstick--only tinted chapstick or lip gloss. I'm what your Grandma would consider a "mess."

Melissa said...

Thank you all for the lipstick tips. I am going to check them all out. The venom stinging gloss reminds me of "Holes" and its rattlesnake poisonous nail polish. And Kacy, does the lipstick have caffeine in it? Or why is it called that? I am not opposed, just curious.

kacy faulconer said...

It has caffeine in it. It gives you a boost. It's sort of coffee flavored too.