Monday, May 09, 2005

Did You Know

That in my office I have:

1. my Jimmie Johnson calendar on the wall.
2. a newspaper article pinned to the wall with the headline "Sexy Rummy" about Donald Rumsfeld mailed to me by Roxy a couple of years ago.
3. 3 business cards taped to my desk from a Congressman who gives me one everytime I see him.
4. an award for Gerald Ford hanging on my wall. Why is it not on his wall?
5. a lamp and small clock on my desk--to make it seem more homey. Even though I have a huge window and plenty of light. And I never look at that clock for the time. And my office doesn't really look homey even with them because of all the huge piles of stuff everywhere.

That Regarding My Blog:

1. I suspect I have an avid reader (stalker) who is Japanese. (If you are there, identify yourself!)
2. The majority of search engine searches that have led to my blog involve country music terms. I don't really listen to country more than any other music, but I guess I talk about it more.
3. The minority of search engine searches that have led people to my blog include such disturbing things as: "pull up her skirt", "eavesdrop on girls conversations on the web", "BYU bellydancing", "stacie's nude website", and not one but TWO searches for "Paula Abdul's breasts."


Carly said...

I am not surprised that Gerald Ford's award is in your office. You should drop it by his house, and he'll offer you some nachos and a football game (Simpsons reference). I am intrigued by your Japanese stalker. Don't send him over to my blog about Japanese candy!

kacy faulconer said...

Finding out your most common search terms can be unsettling. I just like to think about how poor Doug Fabrizio (NPR) must feel to know that whenever anyone Googles him my blog comes up on the first page of results. YES! I too have an avid reader from Japan. Strange. It is probably the same person since we run around in the same blogircle.

Anonymous said...

In Japan, but not Japanese; suburban Maryland grandma, living temporarily in Tokyo. Reading blogs while i sit up at night IMing my sister at work - she ignores me for hours at a time, actually getting her job done. Linked to you from Kacy's comments. Linked to her from T&S. Too boring to worry about.

Carly, I enjoyed your post about Japanese candy. Would have sent you some Crunky, but don't know where to send it.

Melissa said...

Skewedview: No, believe me, we threw away everything in SD's office and then had it cleaned. And my office is nowhere near his. yuck.

Marta: Glad to have you...although is it normal that I'm a little sad that I don't have a Japanese stalker?