Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Business in the Front, Party in the Back

This morning I got in the elevator and there was a really tall woman with a really serious mullet in there with me. I tried not to stare but her hair was like this in the front:

and SUPERLONG in the back..which I know is the definition of a mullet--but hers was unusually short AND unusually long.

She had on some cute sandals and when I told her I liked them, she scooted over to me and whispered, "Payless, Girl!" But I have learned my lesson about Payless sandals. They may be cheap but because they are cheap they are prone to stinkiness. I have had many an instant message conversation with Carrie that went something like:
M: "Hyd?" C: "G, but I'm wearing my MBC's (Montego Bay Club Collection) today, so watch out."

The thing is, the mullet lady probably wasn't too impressed with my hair either. Monday I came back to a house with no air conditioning and it was HOT in there. We are getting a new unit today, but for the last 2 nights I have showered at night and slept with wet hair. So my hair has been really soft because I have no product in it, but that also means it's pretty flat. Luckily I can give it a little poof by sporting my sunglasses as a headband all day at work.

And even after all my blog talk (and non-blog talk) about my hair, I STILL haven't had a haircut. I really should just do something about it since I was even tempted by an email that came out over my ward listserve today from a girl who will cut your hair for $5. (And I think I probably look like I NEED a haircut since I was asked recently, "Is it because of money? Because I can give you some money.")

Lastly, speaking of party in the back, I would like to welcome back to blogging from his 2 month hiatus, the one and only Skewedview (who had a ponytail for years).


Melissa said...

Skewed: I'm glad you are in the non-pt days now.

I have just abandoned the idea of MBC's altogether. When I was a Freshman my roommate Trisha had such bad SFS that the girl who shared her room would spray aerosol odor eater in all her shoes in the middle of the night.

Carly said...

I would send you some money, too. Seriously.

kacy faulconer said...

Congratulations on your side additions. They are spectacular.