Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Boring Blog - Sorry.

I already subscribe to more magazines than I can read. It must be the new thing in the Tennessee schools to sell magazine subscriptions for fundraisers because suddenly I am getting requests from family members monthly.

First of all, I have already been getting Elle and Real Simple to help support Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Then I got my first fundraising magazine drive letter from my cousin Reed back in November. I thought about selecting a magazine for someone as a Christmas gift, but then I couldn't find just the right thing and I didn't want to settle for giving someone a Christmas gift he/she might not want, just to support my cousin. So I ordered the cheapest magazine that I found interesting: Conde Nast Traveler. The following month I received a fundraiser magazine drive letter from my little sister. Luckily my roommate wanted to order The Economist and so I signed her up for a discounted version via my sis. Plus, I felt great about it because it was the most expensive magazine listed and so a bigger donation was made than if I had ordered anything. Then yesterday, I got ANOTHER fundraising magazine drive letter from cousin Jeffrey.

My options are:
1. throw away the letter.
2. order another magazine that I won't have time to read.
3. give a gift subscription to someone. One of my sisters is having her 25th birthday next week. That is an option, but my guess is she's getting the same magazine fundraising letters I am.

Any other ideas?

Have any of you been watching SuperNanny? Well, I never had until last night. All night I felt so tired and couldn't wait to go to bed. But then after 24 was over, Shotzy was going to crack my back and when she was done I was so sucked in to SuperNanny that I stayed up later than I had intended to finish the episode. I did learn a lot though.


kacy faulconer said...

Hello? People magazine! I think it comes weekly so it's a great deal. My mom and my mother-in-law both get it and it really helps them keep their finger on the pulse. I'm not saying you need any help with that, but it seems lik an essential read and provides lots of blog fodder.

Melissa said...

Kacy--Thanks for the advice. Luckily my roommate already gets People. It is EXPENSIVE--even at the discounted price. Probably because it does come weekly.

Carrie Ann said...

I love the idea of getting a subscription as a gift. How decadent for those of us who are not bombarded by fundraisers day in and day out. Todd gave me Martha Stewart which was such a nice gift. If I were rich (and believe me I totally am...I'm just saying...) I would subscribe to Vouge, Elle, and Vanity Fair, in that order. Because that is the line up when I travel. I don't have time to read them in normal life hence no subscription. And I'm not just a picture looker (I buy In Style for that) I read those babies cover to cover and then catalog them in my upstairs bathroom...Way too much info...Sorry, I like magazines...

Suzie Petunia said...

So buy Carrie Ann a subscription to Vogue...everybody's happy! I personally love to receive subscriptions as a gift because I am too poor/cheap to buy them for myself. My thoughtful sis-in-law gave me Martha Stewart Kids last Christmas and I enjoyed it all year long and always thought of her.

As for fundraising in general...I HATE IT! I'm sure I would feel differently if I were in charge of one and feeling passionate about our underfunded schools, etc. But, right now they really bug... Like last night, my sweet, teenage next-door-neighbor knocked on our door selling candy bars and Slim Jims (SLIM JIMS? Come ON, people!) for 2 bucks a pop. I just couldn't do it. (I know, I'm terrible, but I just couldn't. Really...Slim Jims? No one actually eats those, do they??)

I DID buy a six dollar set of gift wrap ribbon from one of my beehives before xmas. You'd think they would at least sell quality products for the price they ask. There were 10 different colors of ribbon, but only about 2 feet of each color.

Oooo, I'm not liking my bitter, rambling tone. I'll stop now.

Melissa said...

Suzie Petunia: Oh how I wish someone would sell me some Slim Jims instead of magazines. Not only because they are only $2, but also...well, I just can't get enough dried meat.

Carly said...

Can anyone ever get enough dried meat? Listen, if Real Simple is on the list, put me down for it and I'll send you the money. I think I have switched teams. I am going to stop getting Martha Stewart and start getting Real Simple. It's not because Martha is in jail, but simply because Real Simple allows you to use store-bought doughs.

Neil said...

Why can't there be a Real Simple for (heterosexual) men? I got a trial subscription, but too much lady stuff. I had to cancel.

Melissa said...

Carly: done and done

Neil: I will cut out all the manly Real Simple articles and give them to you.