Monday, February 14, 2005

A Valentine Blog

I wanted to write a Valentine blog like Carly’s, but when I tried I realized it wasn’t as funny when you are not married. So here are some of my random Valentine ramblings...

Why are diamond heart pendants the only gift ever advertised on Valentine’s Day?

I hate when people say Singles' Awareness Day. Or when people are bitter about it. Or when girls w/o boyfriends feel like they all have to go out together that night. I would rather stay home and eat my mini-valentine cake while watching my boyfriend Kiefer Sutherland on 24.

I hate the commercial where the lady says she would rather receive a Hershey bar than flowers. What? Does anyone believe that?

I love Valentine’s Day, whether or not anything special happens. I’ve faced the fact that on the Valentine’s Days when I don’t have a boyfriend, nothing big is going to happen. Do people really make declarations or go out on a limb on Valentine's Day if they are not already attached?? Well, I guess some people do, but I’ve never had any sort of declaration or surprise on Valentine’s Day...except in 9th grade when I got some flowers at school from a secret admirer. I ended up doing some serious detective work and tracked down the party responsible for sending them: my mom.

Three years ago, I sent out an anonymous secret admirer Valentine. I will never do this again, because I think it’s just rude to do that if you are NEVER going to reveal yourself, which I, of course, didn’t. Sorry, HB.

It may be cheesey, but I love the candies, the hearts, the cards, the cupids, the reds, the pinks—it’s just fun. What’s better than a holiday about love? Happy Valentine’s Day!


Anonymous said...

Hey, all I can say is any holiday centered around chocolate can't be bad, however this is coming from a woman with DMV pants.

Suzie Petunia said...

My "special night" with my husband consisted of making brownie sundaes (the brownies ended up being WAY undercooked and non-too-chocolatey. Yuck..but, don't tell him, bless his heart!) and sitting in front of the tv to watch today's TiVo'd Oprah about losing weight. How appropriate. Oh, we watched 24, too. Not a total waste of an evening after all. Cheers!

Alice said...

Marcy… couldn’t agree with you more. Valentines day is the best. My girlfriends and I got together for dinner (BUT we do every Monday night) so I stopped by the Whole Foods to pick up a little something to bring over. I jumped into the 10 items or less line where everyone in front of me was a male buying flowers… it was very sweet. I smiled at the guy in front of me and he said, “we are all suckers!” This made me laugh. As he was leaving he pulled a rose from his bunch and gave it to me. I think had it been any other day this would never have happened. I LOVE VALENTINES DAY!! So thanks for the happy wishes and write back at you…

Cameron H said...

Nothing says love like 24, and I mean that!

I did the anonymous secret admirer Valentine once, I got busted, and I was so embarrassed because her boyfriend was there.

So Marcy on a completely different subject, my apartment has one covered spot per apartment, my neighbors have two? Well I found out they have two because there is an extra one, but its really fair game, even though they have used it for 3 years. So I parked my second car in it, the one that never gets driven. I went out to get dinner and decided to drive it. As I was leaving the complex I saw my neighbor run out and switch her husbands car into the spot. (this is the same neighbor I let use my parents condo down south for the weekend for free, some people are so anal.) Sorry I had to get that off my chest and Ms Marcy is always good for shoulder. Well its off to the Hazar\Hill Hot Tub Party, wish you were there.

Melissa said...

Suzie: Don't worry your brownie secret is safe with me and everyone else on the world wide web.

Rebecca: Sorry--I didn't mean to be so judgmental about the girls dinners---it was more of the "Bitter Girls Dinners" that bug me.

Cameron: You gave a Valentine to a girl with a boyfriend? Wow. Pretty sly. You need to come up with a revenge plan for your neighbors and why do you have 2 cars?