Thursday, February 03, 2005

Will you meet me in the middle?

My goal today is to learn all the words to “Sister Golden Hair.” After a failed attempt at getting to Mario’s for pizza last night, I ended up at the Silver Diner. They have those little jukeboxes on the table and I knew what I was going to select the minute I started flipping through the song charts.

Whenever I hear “Sister Golden Hair,” I immediately reach for the volume and turn it up. For me it’s one of those songs that I really like, but don’t own or hear enough to get sick of it. And I’m sure that part of my love for the song has to do with the fact that America is singing about golden hair, the same way I love a certain song with my name in it by the Allman Brothers, even though I consider it a little boring.

Anyway, question about the song: what is the surprise part all about? The name of the song is “Sister Golden Hair,” not “Sister Golden Hair Surprise,” so is the surprise still referring to her? Or is surprise an interjection? “Well, I keep on thinking ‘bout you, Sister Golden Hair. Surprise! And I just can’t live without you, can’t you see it in my eyes?” Did they just add surprise to rhyme with eyes? I don’t get it.

So, my two goals of the day are: 1. Memorize all the words and 2. Figure out if he is calling her “Sister Golden Hair Surprise,” or if he is saying “Surprise! I think about you all the time and I can’t live without you.”

I was also told this morning that it is not cool to like America, but I don’t care. I am going to continue to love this song and turn it up really, really loud in my car. Schatze had been holding out on me that she had this CD and so when we got home from the diner, she dug it out of her closet and we listened to it again. I borrowed it and couldn’t wait to get up and listen to it this morning. I am a nerd like that, but I had to get an early start to memorizing all the lyrics today. I even had a hard time turning on my hair dryer while it was playing.

Also, on our way home from the diner, as I turned on to our street, “Stacie’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne came on the radio. I don’t love this song or anything but we always have to listen to it because our roommate is named Stacie and, to her dismay, we call her Wayne. So of course, when this song came out we couldn’t believe the coincidence. As I parked my car on the street, I turned it off so it was just on the battery so we could listen to the rest of the song because Schatze was singing the main parts that drag out the last word like “give me the sli-i-i-i-ip.” Then I would sing the back up echo at the end of the line. While we were sitting there a black cat came walking down the sidewalk towards us and we were just singing and watching it when suddenly Schatze, trying to scare the cat, jumped toward the window and started banging on it, actually scaring me way more than the cat.


Carly said...

Hahaha. Did Schatze bang on the cat or the window? It is my job to clarify misunderstandings from your blog. Or maybe it is just my job to misunderstand your blog? In any case, I loved it.

Melissa said...

I WISH she had banged on the cat. I will try and write more clearly from now on. I just got impatient with this post and stuck it up when it could still have used more work.

Carly said...

Please don't think that I am in any way criticizing the clarity of your blog. It was very clear and obvious that Schatze started banging the cat's head against the window.

Alice said...

Umm… the Alman Brothers don’t sing a song about a Marcy… but I wonder if they donate eggs.

Melissa said...

Gosh, I was just wishing for a friend named Pickles! It didn't take me long to learn the words to the song since it only has one verse, a pre chorus, chorus, then the prechorus and chorus repeat.

Melissa said...

wait a minute. Pickles MACKENZIE. Sister MacKenzie is that you? the one who played that long Meatloaf song for me? I should have known when I saw your name in Katie Blue's post.

Anonymous said...
