Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A Few Ridiculous Things that I (and the Virginia House of Delegates) Have Been Up To:

1. Saturday I bought Paula Abdul’s Get Up and Dance WorkoutVideo. Yes, the one from 1994. Schatze asked me if it was in the One Spot at Target for $1. Oh no, I paid full price for it. I told Carly yesterday that I bought it and she told me she had it. I felt better for a minute until I realized that she probably bought it when it came out 11 years ago and she was 15 years old. Anyway, I did it last night and I thought it was fun. I was however disappointed that only the warm-up and cool-down portions were done to Paula Abdul songs and the main “routine” segment wasn’t. AND not even once did I hear part of “Cold Hearted Snake.”
2. Last night I watched 7th Heaven. I kept hearing ads for it on the radio yesterday saying “Lucy goes on her first date.” It’s embarrassing to say that I know which girl is Lucy and that she is married and recently had a baby on the show, so I was perplexed. It turns out it was RUTHIE having her first date. What was odd was that the boy she was going out with may have had more makeup on than she did. I also am disturbed by the fact that the twin boys in the family, who are probably about 7 years old, still talk like 3 year olds. I think they are still going for the “cute little kid” element, but hopefully they will soon be replaced by Lucy’s new baby. You can’t keep dragging it out once they get too big. I think we all learned this lesson with the introduction of Olivia when Rudy Huxtable got too old.
3. I wish I could go home and change clothes. I would be dressed appropriately right now, if I were 17 or going ice skating. My pale pink quilted jacket paired with pink sparkly eye shadow just aren’t going to cut it. But I have learned my lesson and will reserve this outfit for winter fun or going to the mall with my little sisters in the future.
4. Today the Virginia House of Delegates will vote on what has become known as the “Thong Bill.” Apparently it could soon be illegal in Virginia to sag your pants.


kacy faulconer said...

I am unfamiliar with the term "sag your pants." Could you elaborate? This could have IMPORTANT implications for the young women in my ward.

Melissa said...

Kacy--you know like how the hip-hop world wears the huge pants down low with their boxers showing...and now also the girls are wearing the low-riding pants with their thongs showing out of the top. I don't know the language of the bill, but from what I understand it is along the lines that you can't wear your pants so low that your underwear shows.

Suzie Petunia said...

Some poor teenager in Virginia has a dad or mom in the house of delegates, and she is SO embarassed right now.

Mika said...

Let's hope it passes, I really don't need to see, or want to see, anyone's undies! Plus, maybe then we can get some normal pants in the stores again... :)

Carly said...

Ya'll are missing the point: PAULA ABDUL WORKOUT VIDEO! Isn't it funny that Marcy and I both independently (and admittedly ten years apart) saw that video in a store, thought "yeah, that's the ticket," bought it? It just goes to show you that we are soulmates (in a non-romantic sense, of course).

Cameron H said...

I am so glad I do not live there. I like the attention I get from letting the top part of m thong hang out before it disapears into a dark void. Everyone is always checking me out.

7th Heaven Marcy? Sometimes I feel like I just do not know you anymore.
A few month before I went on my mission, Paula Abduls video "Promis of a New Day" ( I am a closet Paula fan, always have loved her, always will, unless she sleeps with SImon.)I remember thinking how unworthy I was for watching the video with her large ample breasts showing. Does she expose herself in the work out video?

Suzie Petunia said...

Shame on you, you good mormon boy.

How can you possibly expect us to comment on Paula Abdul when you casually toss out something about a "thong bill"? BTW, my favorite work out video is by Cindy Crawford, circa 1989. Once my sister was so sore after doing all of the lunges in the video, she broke the toilet paper holder off the wall when she used it as a "crutch" to sit down to do her business. Still the best workout I know!

Suzie Petunia said...

We also caught our little brother sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching our Cindy Crawford workout video. Cameron, I can get you a copy if you want...

Melissa said...

Carly: Please dig out your video and practice the routine. Then we could do it together when I come out in less than 3 weeks. You will have to look away when I do that football running dance move, because it isn't pretty, but I am pretty awesome at the funky slide and the George Jetson.

Cameron: Sorry, but Paula is pretty well-covered in the video. The warm-up is to "Promise of a New Day" though. I will only love Paula again if she does get it on with Simon.

All: Unbelievably, the thong bill passed the House and is on its way to the Senate. Krikey.

Cameron H said...

Well I guess this means Marcy will have to keep her pants up!

Utah has a bill they are working on, but I think it is a lot more productive. They are going after spyware, and pop windows on the internet, I AM ALL FOR THAT ONE!