Thursday, October 06, 2005

Technology is Going to Make Me Fat

At 8 o'clock yesterday morning on instant message, Carly said of Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream, "I think this is the best ice cream I have ever had in my life." So I bought some on my lunch break even though (1) she said the same thing about Chunky Monkey the day before, (2) they were giving away free ice cream in our lobby during lunch and (3) I have consumed 14 brownies in the last 48 hours.

The other day as I was walking to the mailbox across the street, I overheard a conversation between 2 strangers. One woman said to the other, "I thought he would have at least said 'thank you' for the cookies." Suddenly I was so excited and thought "mmmmmmm....Cookies!" I walked straight past the mailbox and on down the street to the grocery store where I ended up buying chocolate donuts instead because I had just read about them on Kacy's blog.

Plant a seed in my mind and I can't resist! There's no telling how many times I have eaten something for lunch just because Neil mentioned it in passing in an instant message conversation and the thought/desire for it started brewing around in my head.

I'm going to try to work off all these calories playing basketball tonight. I haven't played in months because the only people who are going to the pick-up games now are the really good, competitive girls who played basketball in college. It is a lot of pressure. But Tuesday night, when confronted by the Stake Women's Athletic Director about where I've been, I found the following words flying out of my mouth with unbelievable conviction: "I'll be there this Thursday. I'm committing right here and now that I will be there." I don't know what I was thinking, obviously not about the punishment that will be mine tonight.

At least tonight is the start of the first of two 4-day weekends in a row I have coming up, even if it does have to start with a basketball game that I will probably be feeling for the remainder of that time. I'm off Monday for Columbus Day which hasn't always been the case. The first three years I worked here, we were not off but last year we had a trial run and I didn't have to work, but was on call. That will be funny only to those of you who know all about my job. This year we have the day off. Score. (Camelio, if you were here, we could go to the Native American Museum without worry of interruption. And I'm almost done with your homework. I'll be faxing it soon.)

Do you really think I should be doing Camelio's math homework while dating a professor? It doesn't seem right. I guess I've got some food for thought. mmmmmmmm....FOOD!


Carly said...

Well, the Chunky Monkey WAS good, but now I can say that the Peanut Butter Cup was the BEST. It's even better than Phish Food. So, did you like the peanut butter? Oh, and good luck with the BBall tonight.

Anonymous said...

So maybe you should avoid the internet during lunch?

Or avoid Neil and Carly, they seem to be your down fall.


Melissa said...

Cletis: LOVED the Peanut Butter Cup.

Harry: If anyone is going to have the power of suggestion over my food choices, I definitely want it to be Neil and Carly.

kacy faulconer said...

I am excited about your hair cut. Good luck. I heard from that the Walmart brand little chocolate donuts are as good (if not better) than anything out there. Have you tried the Rodeo burger at Burger King? That was one of my first blog-inspired had-to-haves. And then there was diet vanilla cherry dr. pepper. . . and now Peanut Butter Cup Ben and Jerrys. And also Quench Moisturizer--but I didn't eat that. The most life changing has been the Teen Spirit Berry Blossom deo. But that's another story.

Be sure and post a hair pic.

Melissa said...

Kacy: I have had the Rodeo burger (after your post). And I really want some of those WalMart donuts but it is hard to get to a WalMart around here, believe it or not. What did you think of the Quench? And did you ever try the Chantico at Starbucks?