Monday, October 24, 2005

What You Want, Baby, I Got

In case you hadn't figured it out yet, I'm really cool. Peeps are always giving me props and shout-outs and respect and raisin' the roof and all that kind of stuff you do for cool peeps.

I hope you, too, will join the ranks of these folks who totally respect me:

The North Carolina Girls: Friday night I went to Katie Blue's for a little Cranium. This is how much my team respected me: they gave an answer that I MADE UP to a question about the name of a game. Both wanted to go with it even after I reminded them, "I made up that game. You do know that, right?" And this was not 5 minutes after we incorrectly answered a True/False question that I had adamantly convinced everyone I knew without a doubt.

Mike: Because I thought it was going to be Carly when he called me from her cell phone at the hospital and I answered the phone with a loud, pretty song: "How Ya Doooooiiiinnn'?"

My boss and everyone he had meetings with today: They each paused to stop and stare at my pink moccassins.

All the people in the Discovery Channel Store who saw me reading "Are You Smarter Than You Think You Are?"

Anyone at church yesterday who saw me: A) sleeping during Sacrament meeting B) Laughing with my eyes open during the closing prayer or C) Knocking down people to get to the refreshment table after the show and then stopping to scratch the bronze-painted-pumpkin vases to see if they were real.

5 boyz from the hood at the mall on Saturday: I think they must have respected me after they heard me respond with "Hey, Ho" to my mom's usual "Hey Tramp" greeting on the phone. Immediately after I said this to her, they came and sat at my table with me. One man on each side and 3 across from me. I ate the rest of my pizza in silence...I mean, let's face it, I couldn't really get up and move, now could I?


Neil said...

What are these pink moccasins??!!! I don't think I have ever seen them and I can't even picture what they might look like. You need to get that camera phone working pronto!

Melissa said...

Neil, that's because you haven't fully been introduced to my winter casualwear yet. I'm sure you're holding your breath in anticipation.

Carly said...

I was present for the moccasin purchase and I must say, they DO warrant a certain level of respect.

Eliza said...

Are they Payless mocs, or are you more of a Nordstrom/boutique moc buyer?

I'm just wondering, because I'm an avid collector of cheapo moccasins. Love em. They go with everything.

Along the same lines: tell me, what's your opinion on Ugg boots? I used to scoff but am beginning to turn.

Melissa said...

Lizer, I got them at a shoe outlet. They are the fancy brand of M.P.S. haha.

I don't know about Uggs. I think they can be cute but I can't see myself wearing them. I am definitely not against them though. I just don't feel like I could pull them off.

For what it's worth, you seem like an Ugg girl to me, green apple coat.

Eliza said...

Unfortunately, my legs are too short for Ugg boots, but I think they look cute on little girls and some movie stars.

I re-read my comment and realized I was prying a lot about the moccasin buying. People should be able to buy moccasins without other people asking them questions like that. My apologies. (For the record, I'm a Payless/Target/clearance sale moccasin buyer.)

Katie_Blue said...

Either we love you so much that we back you even when you are wrong or we are too dumb to know the difference. I choose to think it's love.

Melissa said...

Lizer: no apologies necessary. My shoe life is an open book.

Katie Blue: ilyt.

Skewedview: whoa whoa whoa, this is not the first time my Christmas Day bedhead has been mentioned on my it extra special on Christmas Day??