Monday, December 06, 2004

Back By Popular Demand

Ok well back by Rebecca's demand.

So last night I was at the First Presidency Christmas Devotional and afterwards there were refreshments and carolers, etc...So I was talking with my friend Ashley (who sometimes does the stand alone thing with me at Institute) and I said, "If you had to kiss someone in here right now, who would it be?" After she said who she would like to kiss, I said I would choose Jonas. Now I don't really know Jonas very well, but he is cute and funny and, after all, it's not like it was real. Almost immediately after this conversation, I was talking to my roommate Wayne and Jonas came over and asked her for a ride home. Go figure. We had driven separately because I had come early. So when I saw that they were behind me, I drove home really fast. I don't know why. I thought he might think it was cool that I was driving fast, even though he probably didn't even know it was me. But if he did know it was me, I'm sure he thought it was cool.

Oh well, Jonas thinks I'm crazy anyway because these are the only things I have ever said to him:

1.) Wayne invited him to our annual Summer BBQ in June and he came in through the gate to the back yard and I was ready to greet him and his brother as any good hostess should. He walked up and we stood there with a branch in between us, blocking our vision of each other, but neither of us moved out of the way. Then I said, "I don't think we've been formally introduced. I'm Marcy, I'm glad you could come to our party." I might not have felt so stupid or as if I had acted like I'd just stepped out of a Jane Austen book if he had not replied with "Oh, is this our formal introduction?" and an are-you-crazy-smile.

2.) At the same BBQ I went out the front door to take out some trash and Jonas was standing all alone in the driveway in the front yard. I was caught by surprise that he was out there and exclaimed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?" He mentioned he was just looking around and that he had never known our street existed even though he lives 1/2 mile down the street... to which I replied, "Oh, well our house is the place where squirrels go to die." Then we stood there by the garbage can and I proceeded to tell stories about the dead squirrels in our yard and how I disposed of them. Then we walked to the back yard in silence.

3.) Finally, a few months ago we had these "small group dinners" in our ward where you sign up and they assign you into groups of 10 or 12 and then you all have a potluck dinner together. So Schatze, Wayne and I were assigned to Jonas's house. When we were leaving, I said, "I have a question for you." When I said this everyone stopped to listen which really was not good because already I was trying to make my comment low-key. Anyway, I then proceeded to ask him about a t-shirt he had worn approximately 2 years before. He said he didn't have a t-shirt like that. And I looked stupid and crazy...but I'm telling you he has this shirt. The reason I KNOW is because he wore it to institute a few years ago and on the back it said "Nu-Seal." Schatze and I noticed because just the weekend before she had to have her trunk resealed and this guy from Nu-Seal did it. He had us meet him in some parking lot and he looked like Bon Jovi. It all seemed a little shady but worked out in the end. So of course we noticed when Jonas wore this shirt that said Nu-Seal on the back. I definitely should have just asked him about it then though, instead of waiting two years.

Also, earlier yesterday on the way to church, I was driving down the Interstate and I looked and Jonas was behind me. We did not acknowledge each other. Me because I feel embarrassed whenever I see him. Him because he thinks I am crazy. He then passed me. Then I passed him. Then I exited and he didn't. I decided to race him to see which way to the church was faster. I won the secret victory. Then on the way home last night, when I was watching Stacie and him talking in my rear view mirror I thought, "I should have said something funny to him tonight like, 'You didn't know it, but I raced you to church today.'" Then I thought about these 3 past examples of our conversations and was grateful that, for once, I held my tongue with Jonas.


kacy faulconer said...

I don't question your taste in men, but this "Jonas" person sounds like a waste of time. He's not good enough for you if he doesn't find you as enchanting as I did in the three instances you described #1. Is that what Mr. Darcy would've done? I think not. Case closed. #2. This should have sparked a lively and interesting discussion. The fact that it did not is an indication that your Jonas is, I'm sorry to say, a dud. #3. A professed disregard for one's own T-shirt logos is an admirable quality in a boy, but being flattered that a cute girl would care about their T-shirt logos supersedes this. Wrong answer, weinie. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this, but I do. He's not for you Marcy.

Alice said...

Thank goodness you have returned. I was worried that maybe dear Carly showed up for her visit and the two of you were out galavanting and thinking nothing of me as I sat by the computer waiting... waiting... waiting.

His name is Jonas? Come on... that is a bible name. Find yourself a good healthy Lehi or Lemuel or something like that, not a Jonas.

Anonymous said...

I can see your original interest in Jonas, as your default song is "My Name is Jonas" by Wheezer, if I am not mistaken. But I concur with Kacy and Heidi: dud.