Monday, December 20, 2004

Why I won 20 Questions...

even though Emily declared at the end, "Well I think if we were to declare a winner, it would have to be me."

(Emily also thinks the objective behind 20 questions is to pick a general, easy enough person, place or thing, to ensure the other person is able to guess it.)

Here's what happened. You be the judge...

A little after midnight on a fun-filled Saturday night, Emily and I decided to stop by a diner for some breakfast. On the way there, Emily found the deck of cards in my passenger car door "52 Things to do in the Car." She said we had to do whatever she pulled out, which happened to be 20 questions.

So she picked something first. She happened to pick the main character from the movie we had just seen. I got it in 3 questions.
Marcy: 1, Emily: 0

For my turn, I picked Juliette Binoche. Of course I admit this is a tough one, but Emily is a connoisseur when it comes to foriegn/artsy/independent films. And I thought of JB because she is in Chocolat with Johnny Depp, star of the movie we had just seen. She got it narrowed down to a brunette actress over 30 who is alive and probably doesn't live in Hollywood. A good springboard. She never got it though, even after I gave her the following hints:

in a movie with Johnny Depp, who plays a river rat, set in France, also starring Dame Judi Dench, and she wears a red cape in the movie and her daughter's character has an imaginary pet kangaroo.
Marcy: 1 , Emily: 0

Next Emily picked a smurf. While I determined it was a cartoon character, she threw me clear off when I asked, "is it an animal?" and she replied "yes." Okay how many of you out there think of Smurfs as animals? Exactly. She then gave me the hint, "Ask about time periods" Then when I asked if the cartoon was set in Medieval times, she replied, "I don't know... I don't really know what time period it is." So of course I never got it and when she finally had to tell me, we commenced the ongoing argument of "smurfs: people or animals?"
Marcy: 1, Emily: -1 (smurf = animal penalty)

Next, I did George Clooney to give her a break. We had both recently seen Oceans 12 , and she got it fairly quickly by asking, "Is he in Oceans 12?" Then she just went through the 3 actors she knows in the movie and got it.
Marcy: 1, Emily: 0

Next she did a Christmas tree star. I got it narrowed down to a lot of vague facts that she wouldn't give a yes or no too...meaning it is a thing, smaller than a breadbox, worth less than $10, she doesn't have one but wants one, sometimes metal, sometimes different colors, sort of shaped like a triangle. What? So the triangle thing really threw me off and so finally she said, "think along the lines of Christmas ornaments." I immediately got it after this huge hint.
Marcy: 2 Emily: 0

Finally I decided to do Stephen Tyler. I knew she not might know his name, but any sort of description letting me know she knew who it was would have won her the point. She got it narrrowed down to a dark-haired rocker in a band, between ages 40-60, who had had hits over many decades. She couldn't get it.. Never did, even after I gave her the following hints:

He has long hair, a huge mouth, has a famous actress daughter, his first name starts with S and his one word band name starts with A.
Marcy: 2, Emily -1 (penalty again, for not getting it even after having been given more v. obvious hints than questions answered)

We then paid and left the diner, having had no conversation the entire time except for our ongoing game of 20 questions. We spent the drive home discussing the previous topic, "Smurfs: People or Animals?" and decided we are not compatible 20 questions players.


Carly said...

Smurfs are definitely NOT animals. But they DID live in Medieval times. That's a fact.

Melissa said...

Yes...That is why I was asking about Medieval times b/c of the whole castle/gargumel thing..I really got taken on the Smurfs round.

Anonymous said...

umm . . .if you had to choose between an animal or a person and the thing is blue with A TAIL . . .you'd pick person? Interesting. I know very few people with tails--although Marcy did mention she does have a "tailbone"

I only remember a completely sarcastic remark about me being the winner . . . a victory point for humor. :) And yes, coming from a very non-detailed, more concept oriented family, we play the game with easy victory in mind. No one wants a real challenge at 1:00am Sat, night at a diner. (And esp. when you're trying to have me guess names in pop culture--I'm most apt to listen to African tribal music, watch an Iranian film and not remember a single artists name from my minor in Art History)

I full heartedly endorse Marcy's as the winner. However my friends, until you show me a person with a blue tail sticking out of the back of their pants (and singing la, la, lalalala, la, lala, la, la) smurfs are not people.

Cameron H said...

Yeah so teh smurfs had tails? I thought they were more like a nubbin' It was a dot glued to their butts.
I do have to say Marcy the winner. As to Iranian movies, I thought only porn came out of Iran?