Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Gratitude Journal: Coming out of the Blog Closet

As I mentioned in my 100 things post, I have basically been a secret blogger. It's because I used to hate the idea of blogging and think it was a waste of time. Well, maybe I still do, but that hasn't stopped me yet. I am an ashamed blogger.

But as of 3:50pm today, I have come out of the blog closet with Loco, Schatze and Roxy....now I am a guilt-free blogger. I can breathe a sigh of relief. I mean, the only reason I hadn't told them is because I was ashamed...I thought they would think I'm crazy or ridiculous, basically because I think I'm crazy and ridiculous for doing it.

Coming out of the blog closet has not been easy for me but I'm glad I did it. And I'm glad that my friends are such good friends that they still love me despite my flaws, of which, blogging is probably not the worst.


kacy faulconer said...

Does that mean you think I am crazy and ridiculous?

Alice said...

Ashamed? Ashamed to be amongst us wonderfully fun peeps? I am hurt Marcy.

Alice said...

Wow... did that come off as harsh? I hope not. There are a few people that I have not told that I have a blog too... I haven't told my FedEx driver, oh wait... I have. I didn't tell my the cabbie I took to work when i was late the other morning, oh wait... that isn't true, I did give him my site.

So really? Why the secret? Are you afraid of being discovered?

Melissa said...

Not ridiculous, but definitely a "kind of fun crazy" which I see you think of yourself anyway.

I don't know why all the secrecy. Perhaps it is because I AM crazy and ridiculous. Or maybe it is just that I wanted to be able to, in the future, use my hilarious friends' jokes as my own.