Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Celebrity Spell Check

Dear Readers:

I know I have mentioned in the past that Britney is dead to me. And she is. It all started when the shocking picture of her with a cigarette came out and spiraled continously downward from there...ending with the recent wedding. Did you see those "bridesmaid dresses," I mean, velour sweatsuits?

But as I have been reading your blogs (and I'm surprised how many of them mention her), I have always found her name misspelled.

The proper spelling is B-R-I-T-N-E-Y. She even courteously spelled it out for us in her song "Intimidated." Email me (see my profile page), if you would like to hear it. She also has a weird line in the song that says, "And if my pgo’s o, no, don’t give up to that" I have no idea what this means. Before she was dead to me, I emailed her to ask, but she never wrote back.

I read in How to Win Friends and Influence People that you should never correct people and I like to stick to that. But I figured a broad generalization like this wouldn't offend anyone, would it? Well, anyway there is no offense meant.

Marcy Dibbleblotts


Carly said...

I think I am guilty of misspelling Britney's name, but the mistake is quite intentional and strategic. You see, Britney is dead to me, too. And I am now embarrassed of my little moment of loving her (it climaxed with her controversial performance at the MTV Video Music Awards--not the one in which she kissed Madonna [ew] but the one in which she stripped down to that flesh-colored suit). Now I misspell her name so peeps won't think I liked her/knew about her enough to be aware of the unusual spelling of her name. My feigned ignorance merely covers up a six month period during which I loved her.

Cameron H said...

I am with Carly, Britney is dead to me! Ever since the restraining order came down, the little Beaoch. Never will I spell Brittanys name right AGAIN!

Alice said...

I am shocked you thought Bitrunny knows how to use a computer or how to read. I don't mean to shatter all of your beliefs, but it is her publicists who answer all her questions... sorry.

kacy faulconer said...

That flesh-colored suit! Britney is starting to be alive to me again, if only for nostalgic purposes.