Saturday, December 18, 2004

At Home to Re-Group

I quickly came home because I needed to put a stop to the "Series of Unfortunate Events" that has been going since I woke up this morning.

I went to Target where I looked at a lot of things for my little brother and cousins, couldn't decide if they would like them or not and ended up buying none of them, which means I am just going to have to go somewhere else or back to Target to get their presents. This took an hour and a half including the time I retraced all my steps inside Target looking for the list I dropped containing everything I need to do over the next few days and never found.

I then went to the post office to mail Kacy's prize for my new "Name That Song" contest. I jumped in the Express line and when I was next in line the lady in front of me said to the cashier "Those are mine," pointing to about 35 boxes stacked near the desk. I don't know who let this lady in the Express line but peeps were getting angry. Then I got out to my car and couldn't find my keys. I looked all thru my purse and pockets, just as I had done when I couldn't find my list in Target. I looked in my car to make sure they weren't locked in there. Meanwhile someone was waiting for my parking spot. I went back into the post office and the cashier had them. Normally I am not this scatterbrained.

I concluded that part of my problem/mood was the fact that it was 2 and I hadn't eaten anything. I whipped through the Burger King drive through where the lady handed me my drink with a loose lid. You can probably guess that as I took it, I spilt it down the front of my shirt. My new soft pink fleece that I have been wearing every day this week with my new pink moccassins (both from shopping trip with Carly) and planned on continuing to wear them for the next few days.

So that is why I came home to regroup and rewrite my list.

I can also attempt to put on my new windshield wipers while it is still light outside. Next week, I'm going to drive home (12 hours) and my dad told me to get new wipers and check the air in my tires. Well, being a good daughter, I picked up some new wipers today and even bought valve extenders for my tires b/c I can't seem to get the gauge up to it properly. So today, I'm going to attempt to measure the air in my tires also. Not that I know what the level should be, or even how to add air if I need to....It also worries me a little that I don't know how to change a tire. I don't have a jack or anything anyway, but I think this is something I should find out. It can't be that hard, I watch them do it in NASCAR all the time. And last year when a tree branch knocked out my tail light during a storm, I bought and installed a new one myself. Well, at least I have a cell phone, and maybe next time the home teachers ask, "Is there anything we can do for you?" I'll hit them up for a little automotive instruction.

Last night, I exchanged gifts with a couple of friends. One girl gave us all these really nice ornaments. There were "Angels of ________" and I got the Angel of Learning, who was holding a book. I was thrilled that out of all of them she had thought of me when she chose the learning one. Just when I was feeling proud and literary, she informed that she chose it for me because it had "shorter blonde hair, and you let me borrow that church book once." Indeed, I have been humbled.

1 comment:

Carly said...

Cletis, sorry about your hard day--even sorrier about the pink fleece from Banana Republic.