Monday, November 22, 2004

Just Say No

There are some things I tell myself I will never do again. But in time, my convictions wane and I give in, only to disappoint myself. For example, regularly I have a yogurt in the morning at my desk. Then out of sheer laziness, I will throw the used yogurt container into the trash under my desk instead of walking to the trash can in the kitchen, even though every afternoon when my office smells like sour milk, I vow to give up my laziness the next day, in favor of my afternoon comfort.
I am also mad at myself everytime I order a soft taco at Taco Bell. I am definitely a crunchy taco girl. This only happens about once a year when I think, "I'll just get one of each, that sounds good." And then I am super mad at myself when I am eating the soft taco and wishing it were crunchy, especially because I have been making and breaking this rule of "no soft tacos" since I was 11 years old.
Not all of these disappointments have to do with food...although I could go on in that regard.
I also continually fall for "get something for nothing" scams, like emails that say "Win a $250 gift card for trying some free samples," which inevitably ends in me calling different companies to have charges and memberships removed from my credit card.
I also like to put my business cards in those fishbowls at restaurants that say "win a free lunch," or something of that nature. I'll be honest, if it weren't for these win a free lunch bowls, I would only need about 10 business cards a year for actual work purposes. Now that I've found out that these win a free lunch contests are actually ploys that other companies use to bring you a free lunch from that restaurant and have you eat while they try and sell you something, I don't know what I'm going to do with the remaining 1,324 business cards in my desk drawer.

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