Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day in D.C.

I was over an hour late to work this morning. It was not my fault though. The blame is on the hour and 45 minutes I stood in line to vote.

This afternoon I got in the elevator and noticed in my reflection in the elevator door that my "I voted in Arlington" sticker didn't look very good. I had it on the left side of my sweater just under the cute row of buttons that go from my neck down to the top of my left arm and it created a weird, unbalanced look and drew away from the cuteness of the buttons. So I moved the sticker to the right side. This was a bad idea. My sweater is a lambswool/angora blend and is pretty fuzzy. When I took the sticker off to move it, so much fuzz stuck to the back of it that it will not stay on very well now. So I have actually taped my "I voted" sticker on to the right side of my sweater. Maybe I'm a nerd, but I look much more symmetrical now and I can get a free taco for wearing it into California Tortilla, which I plan on doing after work today.

I "voted" in their burrito poll last week. During October for their "Burrito of the Month," they had 2 Presidential burritos, a Bush and a Kerry, and you could vote by ordering one or the other and they kept track of the results. And they put cute stickers of the candidate's face on the outside of your burrito. I thought this was a fun idea and went up last week to cast my vote. When I got there I found out the Bush burrito had mashed potatoes and BBQ sauce in it and the Kerry burrito had Boston Baked beans with caramelized onions and ketchup in it. Add those ingredients to some chicken, lettuce and salsa and wrap it up in a tortilla and you have yourself two really nasty burritos. The question is--who's the bigger idiot--the people who designed these burritos or me??? ...because I still got the burrito just for the fun of the poll and curbed my hunger by making myself sick on Halloween candy all afternoon.

(FYI: Kerry won the Burrito poll by about 100 votes. I think the results ended up being 1800 and something gross Kerry burritos to 1700 and something gross Bush burritos.)


Carly said...

Surprising that there wasn't a Nader burrito with tofu and bean sprouts--yack, yack, yack.

kacy faulconer said...

Was the Bush burrito wearing a wire that told it what to say?