Monday, November 22, 2004

100 Things

1. I have never seen any of the Star Wars films.
2. My family's heroes are John Wayne, Thomas Jefferson and George Patton.
3. My nickname is Marcy for no reason at all.
4. I led my city basketball league in fouls in high school.
5. My mother tried to convince me to legally change my last name to Monroe so I could be like Marilyn.
6. I could probably recite The Parent Trap and Sabrina from memory.
7. When I was 4, I pushed my 2-year-old sister off of a 3-foot high wall onto the sidewalk. (She is fine.)
8. I love multiples of nine but my favorite is 27.
9. I have always thought I will get married when I am 26 because I declared that I would in a prophetic childhood moment.
10. I saw 10 Things I Hate About You 3 times in the theater.
11. Monkeys are my favorite animal.
12. I prefer Spearmint to Peppermint gum.
13. I buy a lot of beauty products solely based on packaging.
14. I would like 3-6 kids. This could change once I actually have ONE.
15. I prefer creamy soups.
16. My great aunt is a nun.
17. I have one sister (24), one step-sister (19), one half-sister (13) and one half-brother (4).
18. My brother is named Ethan after a John Wayne character in The Searchers.
19. I love to bowl.
19. I have never broken 100 in bowling.
20. My birthday is on Thanksgiving day this year.
21. When I get home from work at 6:30, I plop down on the couch for 30 minutes of relaxing, take a load off of my feet television. The problem is nothing is on at this hour. So I have embarassingly started watching Seventh Heaven reruns on abcfamily during that time.
22. I have 2 tapes of solid "Leave it to Beaver" episodes from a marathon on TVLand.
23. My roomates don't know I blog.
24. There is a great little dive around the corner from my house called Taso's. Joanna and I (the only non-Hispanic people ever in there) go so frequently that their one waitress (she doesn't speak English so the owner would have to come out to take our order) now comes out and just asks us if we want what we usually get. "Steak and cheese, no onions? and coke in a bottle?" Si.
25. I have never had a cavity.
26. Two weeks ago, I was intrigued and paid $4.99 for 4 Grapples. The label said "Looks like an apple tastes like a Grape." The label should say "Looks like an apple, tastes like Grape Soda."
27. My great-grandmother Josephine escaped from Lithuania.
28. I was home schooled for first grade and part of second. Went to public school for third. Went to Catholic school for fourth thru eighth. Back to public for high school.
29. I fell asleep during Shark Tale and Shrek. I thought they were v. funny but I have about a 45-minute attention span for cartoons.
30. I feel like my movie star counterparts are Liv Tyler and Kirsten Dunst.
31. I went to an allergist in elementary school. I was allergic to everything they tested me for.
32. I bought my first car last summer.
33. My favorite TV show is 24.
34. I had a t-shirt when I was 2 that said "I Shot J.R."
35. I hate pickles.
36. In 10th Grade, I begged my piano teacher and she let me play "Bridge Over Troubled Water" in our recital instead of something classical.
37. I'm the 1st first-born daughter in 6 generations on my mother's side NOT to have the middle name Ellen.
38. I have seen Britney Spears in concert.
39. In high school, I was a car hop at Sonic Drive-In.
40. We call our house the Limp Bizkit.
41. When I was 17, my boyfriend was leaving on a mission. I was so devastated that he would not be able to go to my prom that I had my own fancy prom in my living room before he left.
42. The summer of my senior year, I dated a guy two years younger than me. And because I skipped a grade, he was a freshman.
43. I lived in 7 houses/apts in the same city before I graduated from high school.
44. I majored in Geography in college.
45. President Bush smiled at me in the Rose Garden.
46. I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate.
47. I got an F in Honors Chemistry 111 at BYU my first semester of my Freshman year.
48. I want to name my first son Peter.
49. I used to give the fake name Lily to hostesses at restaurants. This backfired on me in the Cougareat once.
50. I make an effort to only buy Exxon gasoline.
51. I have found 3 dead squirrels and a dead bird in my back yard. I scoop them up with the shovel and carry them out and chuck them into the ravine across the street. Well, the first one I buried, but there are just too many to keep doing that.
52. I saw Signs alone. I went alone and I was the only one in the theater.
53. I also saw The Others alone. I go alone to movies sometimes because I have Fridays off. I was sitting in the theater and no one else was in there. A man walked in and was coming toward me. I was getting nervous when he came and sat down right next to me in the empty theater. Just as I was about to stand up and walk out he turned to me, looked surprised, and said "You're not my wife!" Certainly not. He got up and moved and his wife came in a few minutes later.
54. My favorite pasta sauce is pesto. mmmmmmmmmmm
55. In high school I got caught by the janitor playing "Light My Fire" on the organ at church.
56. There was a cute guy I referred to as "lefty" in one of my Geography classes at BYU. One day, I struck up a conversation with him after class. We walked outside together talking and before the conversation was over I had invited him to go to SLC to the Aerosmith concert with me that night because Carly had mono. He did not go, nor did he ever make eye contact with me again. Three years later he turned up in my ward in DC. Still no eye contact.
57. For the past 2 weeks I have either had chocolate cake or brownies for breakfast.
58. Terms of endearment between my mom and me consist of derogatory terms like Ho or Hooker or Prostitute.
59. I really hate to run. A lot.
60. I really don't know if I can come up with 40 more things.
61. Once I got a really long, tight, unexpected and uncomfortable hug from my friend's father.
62. The only time I have ever fainted, I was home alone and woke up to my dog licking my face.
63. The guys I like always have a code name. This is v. different than a nickname. Some past examples are: M&M, fratello, manchild, lui (pronounced Louie), cool ranch and hambone.
64. Oprah bugs the crap out of me.
65. One of my favorite things about Counting Crows' songs is how Adam Duritz writes girls' names into a lot of them.
66. At a time before Britney went too far, my friend Carrie and I would take a song a day of hers and memorize it. Then we would quiz each other on the lyrics by one of us giving the first line then alternating lines back and forth until we finished the song. Britney is now dead to me.
67. Sometimes when friends ask me what a word means over instant message, I look it up really fast and then tell them, pretending I knew all along by saying something like, "I think it means something like this...."
68. About once a month, my roommates and I say we are going to have a small dinner party. We then agonize over a guest list and never have the party.
69. I always lose earrings. Right now I am down to one pair.
70. Approximately two nights a week, I wash my face with the hand soap in the bathroom, instead of my real facial cleansers.
71. My friend Camille and I shared a cd making business called EAR (Earth Angel Recordings). Okay so it wasn't a business. We just burned mixed cds for people with our logo and name on the back.
72. In high school I read a biography of James Dean. My mom was looking at it and was very upset that I had it because it had a V. bad picture in it. The thing is, had she not gotten so upset and pointed it out, I would not have known what the picture was or what was going on in it.
73. I learned about the birds and the bees from Redbook in my grandmother's bathroom.
74. 74 is the age of an adorable gentleman who is a consultant in our office who wears boat shoes and shorts and a shirt that says "Captain Smasharoo." He calls me babe.
75. Once I saw 3 different movies back to back in the theater.
76. I have an ongoing debate with myself about whether I would rather sleep with my bedroom door open or closed.
77. Two years ago, I sent an anonymous valentine to Hambone.
78. There is a huge bush next to my front porch where I stop and spit my gum out on the way into the house after work.
79. I own the video Darrin's Dance Grooves and learned 1/2 of the N'Sync "Bye Bye Bye" Dance.
80. Embarrassing moment: A girl at my ward Thanksgiving dinner last week yelled out to me, "I still need to return your Bellydancing video."
81. This morning I actually thought, "I need to warn Carly before she gets here that all my shoes are ugly."
82. I have a church program in my scriptures where I have all the Presidents of the United States in order written on them and I try to memorize them in order. I am no good at this.
83. Sometimes I get distracted watching the clock or the VCR counter, etc waiting for the numbers to be multiples of 9.
84. My instant message screen name is Catherine Zeta-Jones.
85. My favorite shows as a child were "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" and "Moonlighting."
86. I have never done a pull-up.
87. I really really wish I had some cheese puffs right now.
88. I yell out the answers to Jeopardy whether or not anyone is around.
89. The only time I have ever made mashed potatoes, I was taking them to a dinner at a rude girl's house who is a brilliant cook and makes her mashed potatoes with real cream instead of milk. I felt a lot of pressure and made mine with real cream also. However, I whipped an awful lot and that night at her dinner party we had a bowl of pudding-like mashed potatoes. Oddly enough, the rude brilliant cook was the only one who was nice about them.
90. To no avail, I have googled myself.
91. I can sing along to all the words of "Gangsta's Paradise."
92. I have no idea how much I weigh.
93. I have a computer monitor on my desk that is used solely as a gathering place for post-it notes.
94. My car's name is Rosario but goes by Ro-Ro.
95. 4 years ago in Montana, I was thrown from a horse, almost drowned in a river, and one of my closest friends was kissing the guy I liked all in the same day.
96. I used to be a member of the Weezer fan club.
97. I went to see Cher in Richmond on her Farewell Tour. The first Farewell Tour, that is.
98. I cut my own hair.
99. I have a picture of me with Rupert in the Hello Deli, and an even better one with "The Naked Cowboy."
100.Once a mannish UPS delivery woman winked at me.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I've read some things like this in Frances nlogs. She listed things that she had done yet like reading tghe Bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation. But yours marcy tops her. Imagine listing one huindred things about yourself. How long did it take you to complete it?

Melissa said...
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Alicia said...

-Great list. I've just been killing time and reading blogs. How fun! I might just have to try a list that myself.
-When did you graduate from BYU?
-Thanks for the fun.

Melissa said...

Thanks, Star..You should make a list. It is fun.
I graduated August of 2000.

kacy faulconer said...

How did giving the name Lily in the cougareat backfire? I am intrigued (and impressed by your 100 things list--I'm only up to about 20).

Alice said...

First, Happy happy birthday! Second, marriage is over-rated and a lot of work, so if you missed your 26 window, which I don't know if you did or not, don't worry single is fun! Third, I love monkeys too, I want to own a real one like Ross did on Friends. Fifth, Oprah is totally buggen'. Sixth, you are right Brittany is so over. Seventh, Great List!!

Melissa said...

Kacy--During Spring term of 2000 I ate breakfast a lot in the Cougareat and there was a man who would stand in line to take your order in advance. I gave different names, the most frequent being Lily. One day he walked up to take my order and said, "Hi Lily. What would you like today?" So from that moment on I had to make sure I always said Lily. Just after this happened, I was at my friend's house who was going on a date. While talking to the guy she was going out with before they left, for some reason I started telling him my Lily/Cougareat story, when he said "That's my dad." Of course, I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. It was his dad who was taking orders in the Cougareat. I didn't go back for like a month.

Thank you Thank you! Tomorrow will actually be my 26th birthday, so I guess what I'm sayin' here is I better get a boyfriend fast ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your lists. You are are one of the best list makers ever. Itl about the i shot JR t-shirt. That is classic. Also, never be embarassed about a 7th heaven addiction. We have a lot to learn from the Camden's.