Monday, April 11, 2005

My Favorite Things

You know, I thought by addressing Kacy directly in the first paragraph of my last post, I could force her into commenting. But obviously that didn't work. I mean, after over a month long absence of her comments on my blog, my blego is plummeting. and fast.

Luckily, Cameron made my day this weekend by emailing me the mp3 for "Let Your Love Flow," which I have probably already listened to 20 times in the last 48 hours. That's my style. When I like something, I really like to overdo it until I need a break from it.

In honor of my roommate Shotzy who, every night, asks us what our favorite part of the day was, I will list my favorite parts of the last few days:

Friday: Having practiced basketball 'til after 10 the night before where I hurt myself, came home late and didn't even shower before going to bed for a restless night of sleep because of a throbbing foot, I woke up late, watched 24 and then took a nap. Around noon, I was about to shower when I got a call from Katie Blue inviting me to lunch and did I go? Of course I did. I threw on some mascara and clothes and just apologized when I got there for my appearance and smell.

Saturday: Only losing in our championship game (where not even 1 foul was called) to the team with 2 former college players on it by 20 points, instead of 50 like the first time we played them.

Sunday: A delish HUGE dinner on the grill after a long Fast Sunday, during which we were visited by Miriam who laughed so hard she cried.

Monday: So it is only lunch time (which will probably soon take over as my favorite part of the day) but so far I haven't done any work because I have spent the entire morning trying to help my boss figure out how to get his driver's license back after having surrendured it to a police officer on Saturday.


kacy faulconer said...

As ever, I am here, Aeon. But have been putting forth so much effort into figuring out who skewedview that I have little time left to post comments. Besides, everyone already underscored the funniness of Chrysanthemum. Sorry I've been bloglecting you.

Carly said...
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Melissa said...

Well, he didn't make a complete stop at a stop sign. Then when he got pulled over the office confiscated his license b/c he had been driving on a suspended license (for failure to pay a ticket for going 88 in a 55) since November.

Christian F said...

Marcy, I love the word blego. I will use it often. If it weren't for bloggers like you, my blego would be shattered.

Suzie Petunia said...

Your life sounds so fun. *sigh*

Cameron H said...

Christian Marcy is great at building a guys blego, if you know what I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge

Carrie Ann said...

I imagine your boss looking like Montgomery Burns.

Melissa said...

Carrie Ann--My boss actually looks like Ted Turner.