Monday, June 13, 2005

Why do you want to see this crap so much, Missy?

This was what my 5-year-old brother said to me yesterday regarding Mr. and Mrs. Smith. I'm not saying it wasn't crap, but I found it to be entertaining crap and I liked it--even if it does have freaky Angelina who wore Billy Bob's blood around her neck and denied an incestuous relationship with her brother even though they look like this, or Mr. Pitt who is clearly not in anyone's good graces right now, well except for the brother-kisser's. But I have a hard time hating him ever since Schatze turned me on to the way he eats. But I'm not too hard to please anyway when it comes to movies--or at least I'm no movie snob like my brother.

I wonder what his opinion would be of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. A few years ago, Roxy introduced me to the book. It was cute and I, in turn, gave it to my 13-year-old sister. Needless to say, we were excited for the movie to come out. I was able to resist Roxy & Camelio's invitation to fly out for opening night, and when I did see it here, I was 1 of only 4 people who left the theater with dry eyes. Since then, I have received a recorded voice message from the actresses in the film, as well as 2 Sisterhood e-cards, courtesy of Schatze and Pickles. Maybe we are all obsessed, but that's nothing new for me. You should check it out. Laugh. Cry. Share the Pants.

Speaking of celebrities, on Sunday at the munch and mingle I was able to meet the anonymous commenter and friend of VGQA from a couple of posts back. Actually meeting someone who stumbled on to my blog immediately after I saw the blonde-ticket-avoiding-testimony-girl from the same post at the symphony on Friday night made me realize I need to be a little more careful about whom and what I write. Maybe my ward better be off limits--although I'm really cutting off a valuable resource with that one. ouch.


Carly said...

You CAN'T stop blogging about your ward. Those peeps are a goldmine! I remember you telling me all about the traveling pants book. Wish I could get a phone call from the actresses in the movie...

Melissa said...

done and done.

Neil said...

I agree with Carly--it would be unfortunate if you stopped talking about church peeps. That stuff is gold, Marcy, gold! (I wish my Seinfeld references weren't wasted on you, but Carly hopefully enjoys them.)

I hate myself for asking, but could you fill me in on how Brad Pitt eats?

Melissa said...

Neil: Trust me when I tell you to pop in Oceans 11 and you will see what I mean.

Kelly said...

The fact that he eats all the time in the movie, or just the manner in which he eats the food?

Melissa said...

Kelly: I would say eating style in general, however because he is eating all the time in O11, there are a lot more really really good examples.

Raine: Yeah, it is upsetting to me that my work is off limits too. Oh the stories I could tell.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I burst a bubble. Sorry. Underneath the glamour, I guess us celebrities really are all about shattering dreams. And commiting incest. For what it's worth, though, as far as I know, VGQA remains ignorant.

And I pondered your question about how I found you in my heart, and came up with this: I linked to your blog from Kelly's, which I linked to on an idle afteroon at work while exploring the blogroll at Times and Seasons. I believe the thought passing through my mind as I moved the mouse was "Nobody is really named Marcy Dibbleblotts . . . right?"

Talk about shattered dreams.


Carrie Ann said...

M'Arse, why you gotta be so funny?