Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm Learning A Lot

I have been doing a lot of really important thinking and stuff while I have been hanging around the house lately. Besides thinking about getting a job, I have also been pondering the following...

Tagalongs are the best girl scout cookies. And they are best eaten with the peanut butter side down (facing your tongue). The crappy thing about them is that you think you have a whole box full but really you just have one of those clear trays that pull out containing about 1/4 of the amount of cookies that should be in that box--making one box equivalent to one serving. Maybe you don't think a box equals one serving, but then again you probably don't think one box of macaroni and cheese equals one serving like I do either. Other honorable cookie mentions are the Do-si-dos, thin mints (best frozen) and of course samoas. But frankly, I think samoas have been given too much hype for their quality--and again, enough with the clear plastic tray thing already.

Secondly, I have a love/hate relationship with Oprah. "Hate the person, love the show" are my sentiments actually. While she drives me bonks, she actually has good show topics (sometimes) and has the power to get big name guests. This week was focused a lot on Hurricane Katrina (yawn) so I have been holding on for today which is going to be Part II of "America's Debt Diet"--Oprah's push to get Americans out of debt. I'll be honest and say that the show has done little to inspire me to get out of debt and a lot to make me feel good that I am not as ridiculous as the woman on the show who throws away her bills, owns 5 cars and spends $7,000 a year on her hair. I AM frugal! Other important stuff I have learned from Oprah is that Matthew McConahey, while handsome, is a fool. I was upset by his wardrobe choice, his constant face touching, his love of pickles, his arrogance about how he is so "real" and "earthy," as well as his personal life motto: "Just keep livin'."

I've decided my favorite drawer is my sweater drawer. In the past I have kept my sweaters folded on a shelf in the closet, but now they are in a dresser drawer. There are 3 stacks of sweaters side by side consisting of approximately 4 sweaters per stack. But I have the sweaters slightly terraced so that part of each is showing. It looks just like something you would see in a store, except all the sweaters are ugly and I hate them.

Is purple eye shadow cool or even just acceptable? I have been thinking a lot about this actually. It seems 80's but IT JUST LOOKS SO GOOD! Because I am loving Bobbi Brown's gel eyeliner in Violet Ink, I decided recently to jazz it up with some purple eyeshadow. I know I don't look cool or sleek like the bright-eyed ladies at the MAC counter or anything--I probably look more like I should be hanging out with Molly Ringwald. I wonder if she would approve of my blue's clues shoes.

Once I looked through a book called Are You Smarter Than You Think You Are? But what I need is a book called You are Smarter Than Other People Think You Are. That might have given me the self-confidence I needed when I had to sit between a physicist and a neurosurgeon at a dinner party recently. When talking to Roxy the next day and telling her I had felt a little out of my league, she encouraged me by saying, "You should have told those people, 'You think you're so smart, but do you have The Parent Trap memorized?? I don't think so.'" And that's probably true. So there.

So that's what I've been up to. Just doing a lot of important thinking about a lot of life's important issues. I better get going now though. There are only 30 minutes 'til Oprah and I still have to put on my Jimmie Johnson NASCAR light pink fleece pantsuit and sit around and think about a few more things.


Carly said...

I think purple eyeshadow is ok if you call it violet or lavendar. And I also think you are pretty smart because you not only have "The Parent Trap" memorized but you are also really good at putting bookshelves together. not everybody can say that.

Emily said...

I'm looking forward to the girl scout cookies being gone so I don't have to eat a whole box in one sitting any more. It is such a big responsibility.

kacy faulconer said...

Tell me more about why you don't like Matthew McConahey--I want to not like him but I don't mind face-touching or pickle-eating. And, also (if you don't mind)--tell me what you do with your Tide To Go Pen.

Melissa said...

Kacy, I wish you had seen the Matthew McConahey Oprah, then you wouldn't like him fo rizzle. He was just really cocky in a seemingly "I don't care what people say or think because I'm such a bad A" fake way. I also wouldn't mind if, say, he were touching my face, but he couldn't stop touching his own every 2 seconds in a "Don't you think I'm so handsome?" sort of way. Also when Oprah was asking him about all of the leading ladies he had co-starred with he had these impressive, really great things to say about all of them (most of whom he had also dated) but when she brought up his current gf of one year, Penelope Cruz, he just kept repeating "lovely." Which of course seems nice but was actually pretty crappy after everything else he had said about all the other ladies/exes. It was like he couldn't come with anything and was stumbling over words and at one point he just kept calling her pure, whatever that means. You probably had to see it but I just didn't like his attitude.

The Tide to Go pen is awesome to keep in your purse in case you spill something when you are out. The stain disappears like magic! Although there is a wet spot for a little while which they don't show you on the amazing army dude commercial for it. It won't work on everything, though. For example, it didn't really get out the huge, crusty stuff Neil sat in at the Golden Gate Bridge last weekend, but it did help.

Suzie Petunia said...

The whole sweater-drawer thing struck me as very funny... mostly the part where you said they are all ugly. What a waste of good organization! Will you come organize my entire ugly house?

Samoas are the best girl scout cookie.

I wear "violet" eye shadow, so I say it is not only is downright gorgeous!

kacy faulconer said...

Pure? I would be mad if he called me that. I will get a Tide to go Pen--you must get a Mister Clean Magic Eraser. Seriously, don't get me started.

Christian told me that the other day he had a chicken cutlet on his shirt. Would Tide to Go help with that?

Melissa said...

Kacy, I'm on to the magic of the Magic Erasers.
Chicken Cutlet. Yum. Remember when we went to the blog lunch and I had pro-ana fingernails. I still think about how I was going to get the pork chop, but then didn't. But Christian did, and then I was sad that I hadn't when I saw his. He has good taste in meat.

Kelly said...

Did Matthew McCona-whatever mention on Oprah that he doesn't wear deodorant? Yeah, he said that in the article for People and they still said he was the sexiest man alive. Whatever! No deodorant = smelly no matter how you play it.

And purple rocks, particularly if you have brown eyes (I can't remember if you do having only met you the one time). But I think purple is generally always good.

Melissa said...

YES! He did say that he never wears deodorant and the women in his life (his mother and lovers) have always encouraged him to stick solely to his "natural scent."

Eliza said...

Yeah Marcy, where ya BEEN?

Alice said...

Your fans are waiting for more.